"Nature may be beautiful. But nature is not pretty. Think about it. Domesticate the land: Thresh it, pave it, put up stoplights and call it Sunset Boulevard; nature knows better than all that. In one terrible instant it could all be gone. The foundation shakes. The earth takes the sidewalks into its growling maw. Gone. Later, flowers will grow where once there was a strip mall. And the flowers will be beautiful, because nature makes no apologies for itself. Nature is the original punk."
How great is that? And surprisingly her garments are incredibly wearable and cute.
Even Maison Martin Margiela (who I knocked in my last post) has some recycled items. Check out this blog to read more and see pics: http://www.inhabitat.com/2007/05/20/martin-margiela-artisanal-reclaiming-clothing-design/

MMM has some fun jewelry that uses normal household items like soda can pop tops and wine corks. I'm not positive that the pop tops are real, but they still have a very cool, earthy, "I only eat Tofu" kinda way. Plus, you can always make them yourself if you don't want to pay $695 (actual price for the pop top necklace!). Not that I recommend copying....
And remember those braided headbands I was recommending making a few posts ago? Great way to use old scrap of fabric or even the remains of a dress long deceased. Recycle your clothes and you can create a brand new wardrobe for free!
1 comment:
Yes this are nice fashion colors.
Lise charmel lingerie
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