
MMM has some fun jewelry that uses normal household items like soda can pop tops and wine corks. I'm not positive that the pop tops are real, but they still have a very cool, earthy, "I only eat Tofu" kinda way. Plus, you can always make them yourself if you don't want to pay $695 (actual price for the pop top necklace!). Not that I recommend copying....
Lastly, and since I won a pair on Ebay, more importantly, Marc by Marc Jacobs' mouse flats. They are cute beyond words and just whimsical and excentric enough to be wearable but still different from what anyone else in the room has on.
I can't wait for them to arrive. My feet are yearning for a little charm.
Ok all, hopefully I be doing better in the future. I have another acting job this weekend, which I'm really looking forward to. Wish me luck!
My favorite is the black one on the far right, although the deep neck is maybe not too approriate for getting active in the waves, you can certainly look hot laying out on the beach. With all the itsy-bitsy teeny weeny bikini's out there today, it's nice have some cute and fun options that are a little different than everything else out there.
So...put on some shades, parade around your house in flip-flops and listen to the Beach Boys...summer will be here before we know it!
Aren't they adorable! AAAAAANNNNNDDD I went to Target today and found that they have enamel bracelets too! At $13.99 they are much more affordable, and I bought for myself a pretty sailor themed 3-pack and a coral-y looking one. Unfortunately they don't seem to be up on the Target website, but keep an eye out in the stores for them, they just migh turn up!
Out for now,
Little bits of life collected by a madwoman. Randomness abounds, and fashion, music, movies, and travel pop in and out.